burnum grease elimination services


Confined Space Cleaning

Confined Space Cleaning

Contact Burnum Today
Burnum grease has a confine space certified supervisor and a certified entrant technician. An Entry Supervisor who, under OSHA regulations, is designated by Burnum grease to ensures that the space is safe to enter, and all hazards are controlled.

Your underground grease trap may need confine space done to prevent future backup especially if your trap has grease build up. Our trained entrant technicians will scrape the walls, clean the out-late and the in-late T’s, and hydro jet your kitchen lines from your kitchen to the trap and from trap to your kitchen. See Hydro Jetting services for more information.

Grease accumulation inside drain pipes is a major plumbing problem. EPA’s report shows that sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) identified that “grease from restaurants, homes, and industrial sources are the most common cause of (47%) of reported sewer blockages. Dealing with a grease clogged drain can be an exasperating problem. When grease accumulates inside the drain pipes, leading to your underground trap, it blocks the passage of water and leads to an overflow from the affected plumbing fixture, resulting in restaurant shutdown to fix the problem, which will cost the restaurant money.


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